Create a Following that Does Your Advertising for You

Word of Mouth Advertising through Copywriting

Word of Mouth Advertising through Copywriting

Everyone in business knows the magic of word of mouth advertising. As a business owner marketing your company on the Internet, that’s the all-consuming attention you want to attract from a loyal group of followers. It’s also the kind of attention so many readers sparingly give.

Capturing this attention means creating copy that tells your readers what’s in it for them. Connect with them emotionally and they’ll be so interested in your words that they’ll want to take action – buy, know more, subscribe or contact you.

Use language to create curiosity and emotional appeal. People are usually inside their own heads. They’re thinking about the to-do list, the fight with their boss or what to have for dinner. Your goal is to get through the noise and get them to pay attention to you.

The first step to capturing their interest is showing that you care about them. Some of the best ways are to educate, entertain and create agreement with your readers. This builds rapport. Rapport will get your audience talking about you. That will ultimately bring you business.

You market yourself and your business by starting conversations. Sincerely provide your advice and create an audience of advocates. In the age of social media, this is what starts the nirvana of all advertising: word of mouth. Create this from a loyal following, and they’ll be better than any advertising money can buy. When they trust you and tell their friends, your reputation grows. Sales will follow.

The bottom line is this: just get writing If it’s overwhelming, pick one medium (website, articles, blog) and one social media site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube). Do your research on what to write, read what others are saying, learn the environment and start to build your reputation with your words.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.” Why not both?

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