What Should Be The Anchor Of Your Marketing

When it comes to marketing your small business, there are a plethora of platforms and programs you can use. But which one’s the right one?  We always think about Facebook because that’s the big dog in the room. Everybody uses Facebook. “All my customers and clients are on Facebook. We should be marketing on Facebook, right?” Maybe, maybe not.

Instagram is another platform that people think about when asked, “what’s one of the most effective platforms from a marketing standpoint” and Instagram would usually come up. Video is another one that comes up frequently. People are beginning to understand the concept of video marketing.

 All of those need to be used with caution because you don’t control any of those platforms. Facebook decides to make a change and you’re gone. Your business is done. Your volume can drop overnight and it already is dropping so it’s not as effective as it has been in the past.

Same way with Instagram, same way with video marketing.  Anytime you’re tied to a company and it’s algorithms, their rules and regulations, you’re on borrowed time.  Plain and simple, unless you’re paying, unless you’re buying ads. That’s the only way that you can assure you’re going to get results of any kind.  And those costs keep going up and up and up. So at some point a small business is going to be priced out of the market and they’re not going to be able to afford to advertise.

So what are your options? There are only two things that you control in your digital marketing space; your website, and an email marketing list. Those are the only two things you have full control. Because as long as you have your website, as long as you keep your domain active, as long as you keep a hosting account active, that website is yours forever. No one can come in and tell you that they’re going to change the rules and you don’t fit anymore.

So your website should be the central point of all of your marketing. In addition your email marketing list is the other an important piece.  Yes, there are restrictions. If you spam, then you could potentially get your account locked out.

MailChimp or Constant Contact or AWeber are some of those mail  platforms, but as long as you’re following those rules and you’re not spamming and you’re being legitimate with your context, then you can control that email marketing list. You can stay in touch with your customers and your clients on a regular basis that will solidify your brand.

That will solidify yourself as the expert in your industry. So, if you’re not using your website efficiently and effectively, if you’re not using and building an email marketing list, those are two things you need to address, right now.

Need help creating an effective digital marketing strategy?  800biz Ninja Marketing has been helping small businesses develop effective and efficient marketing strategies through web site design, search engine optimization and social media marketing and training, that improves search engine ranking, increase traffic to their door and converts more browsers into buyers.